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"The Oklahoma Wildman" is the second episode of Justified: City Primeval, a limited series followup to the series Justified. It was written by Dave Andron & Michael Dinner and directed by Michael Dinner. It first aired on July 18, 2023 alongside the premiere, "City Primeval."



Raylan hunts a killer; Carolyn takes on a former client; Willa makes a new friend.


It is 2017 and a truck pulls up outside of a house. Inside, three men, Deuce, Otis and Marcus "Sweety" Sweeton argue about basketball. Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Clement Mansell and another man, both pulling out large guns. Clement comments that it's why he's not a fan of weed, that you sit around too stoned to think. The guys argue about whether or not they locked the door, but Clement tells them that it doesn't matter, just that they get them the money and the dope. They each extract wads of cash, telling him that the weed is in the top drawer. Clement asks if they know why they rob drug dealers, that it's because they hold a lot of cash. He says it may be possible that they're worst drug dealers ever, but he hears that isn't the case, so they're holding out on him. They suggest he search the place, but he tells them he doesn't want to. Sweety tells him it's all there is, saying he should head out before someone gets hurt. Clement then says he was never a fan of reggae, turning off their music. He tells Sweety to put something else on. One of the others calls him a Judas as he puts on "Time Has Come Today."

Clement then kills all of the others but one, including his partner, leaving one to get the remaining money, whom he then shoots. He then meets Sweety outside. "Let's go, man," he tells him. Back inside, the one remaining is gagging, but still alive. In his car, Clement considers their haul, telling Sweety he's getting soft in his old age for wanting to walk with "pocket change." He tells him the others wanted him to kill him, but he had his back. He suggests they go back to Sweety's place and celebrate, but that Sweety should take his own car. Three days later, Sweety gets a call at his bar. Clement asks him if he's had any trouble with law enforcement. "No, why?" asks Sweety. As cop cars pull up outside, Clement tells Sweety that he's going to need him to get him a lawyer, that who knows what he might start saying if he spends too much time inside. He hangs up the phone, then goes to his bed and lights up a cigarette, taking a sip of beer. Sandy comes in, asking him what he thinks of her dress. He tells her that she looks beautiful. Detective Wendell Robinson bangs open the door and Sandy screams, but Clement just sits on the bed with his hands up. He asks Wendell and the other cops what took so long. "You could have just knocked," he tells Raymond Cruz, the detective inside the car. Cruz tells him that was him knocking. In jail, he talks with a woman named Carolyn Wilder. She tells him she's a friend of Sweety and that she's going to be his lawyer. He says it must be his lucky day.

It is now the present day, inside Raylan Givens's hotel room. There is a knock at the door and his daughter Willa says that she'll get it. It turns out to be a waiter with a huge table full of breakfast dishes. The waiter hands him a bill, telling that a 20% service charge is included but that additional gratuities are appreciated. Raylan signs and the waiter tells him to enjoy his breakfast. Willa tells her father that she wasn't sure what she wanted so she got... "Everything on the menu," finishes Raylan. He tells her that it's fine, that they're on vacation. "If you say so," she comments and he tells her it's only a temporary snag, that they'll be on the road before she knows it. His phone rings, him commenting that the coffee is $34 a pot. He takes the call, saying he'll be down in a minute. He tells Willa that it's only to be a couple of hours. He tells her to stay on the premises, that she can go anywhere she wants in the hotel, but not to leave the grounds. He leaves and she pushes away the fancy breakfast, turning on the TV and getting a report on the murder of Judge Alvin Guy.

Clement Mansell sits, also watching a news report about the man that he murdered. Sandy enters, asking what happened to him the night before. She tells him that she kept waiting for him so that they could rob the Albanian, but he never showed. She tells him she spent the night, asking if he's jealous and he asks if he heard about Judge Guy. She asks if there's something he wants to tell her, or if it's better she doesn't know. "You'd think there would be a bounty" he comments, rifling through the notebook he stole from the judge. She asks about the notebook. He ignores her, telilng her not to answer the phone that just started ringing. She, however, does, stating that it is the Weems residence. The man on the other end tells her that two men are asking for Mr. Weems, police. The men in question are Raylan and Detective Wendell Robinson. She tells Clement that it's the police.

Raylan asks Wendell if he wants to be the good guy, but Wendell tells him that he's tired and grouchy enough to be the natural heavy if they need to get into that. Sandy answers the door, Wendell commenting that the doorman had said Mr. Weems is out of town. "Oh, you're looking for Del," replies Sandy, saying that he went off for meditation. Wendell asks if they can come inside and she asks if they have a warrant. Wendell asks why they would need one, that they just want to ask questions. She lets them in and Clement sits in the other room, listening as they question her. He points his gun, imagining firing it. They ask her if she loaned Del's car to anyone and she claims not to have. She suggests it might have been stolen. Raylan suggests they take a look, but she claims that she doesn't know what she did with the keys. "Maybe we can help ya," suggests Raylan, but she tells him she'll be right back. She goes to Clement, telling him they want the keys. He tells her that if they don't have a warrant, they don't get the keys. She asks if he wants to tell them that and he hands over the keys, telling her she can give them to them if she wants to. He tells her he "sorta had an accident parking the car."

Wendell asks Raylan how he knows the name "Sandy Stanton." Raylan replies that it's the kind of name you read in the paper. "Or in a case file," comments Wendell. Sandy returns, telling them she found the keys. They ask about the car's condition and she claims to have scapred a fender in the parking garage. Wendell asks which it was and she claims it was the left, but says that she often mixes up her left and right. Raylan asks if anyone is staying with her, or if anyone else is the right now. She asks if they don't have to tell her what this is all about and Raylan tells her they have witnesses saying a car like Del's was involved in a traffic accident the night before. Wendell asks her if she's seen Clement Mansell lately. "Who?" she asks and he asks if he isn't an old friend, that they once picked Clement up in a motel room and she was with him. She says it's been fun, but unless there's anything else, they need to leave, and they can leave the keys with the door guy. Raylan hands her a card, telling her to call him if she remembers anything. They leave and Clement takes Raylan's card, wondering just what a Marshal is doing there. She tells him that Raylan was quiet and polite, even cute, but she sensed that there was some meanness in him. He tells her she needs him to drive to the Rouge and do him a favor. He hands her the gun. Downstairs, Raylan and Wendell examine the badly beaten car. "Just a scrape?" wonders Raylan. Wendell scrapes some paint, wondering if it might match Judge Guy's Cadillac and Raylan suggests they trail Sandy and Wendell can tell him about Clement Mansell.

Raylan reviews Clement's case-file, that he left a mess from Oklahoma to Detroit, but that the police couldn't get any of it to stick. Raylan asks Wendell if Clement was good or lucky and Wendell tells him that it wasn't luck, that they had him cold. They had the witness who lived from the shootings where Clement took the money and drugs, but his attorney appealed on a federal detainer statute and he walked. Raylan asks who the arresting officer was. Wendell tells him it was Raymond Cruz, but that he's retired now, that he had enough. They spot Sandy heading for a mini-van and follow. This continues until Sandy pulls up by a bridge. Raylan wonders if she might jump, but Wendell tells him he doesn't think she's type. Raylan says that it might be sightseeing, but it isn't picturesque, so that leaves the third option: that she's there to get rid of something. Wendell tells him that he forgot option four: that she's there to pee. Raylan's phone buzzes. The call is from Carolyn Wilder, whom he knows as the attorney from his court hearing the other day. She tells him she has something she wants to discuss something with him in person. He tells her that she'd like to see him in her office as soon as he's available.

Sandy gets out and stands by the edge of the bridge's railing. A truck drives by startling her. She considers the gun, but then takes off walking. From the other side, Wendell wonders if she might have made them, but Raylan thinks that maybe she just did the math. Wendell comments that he can't wait to see where she goes next, asking if he's joining, or if he has somewhere to be. He follows. Back at the hotel room, Willa surfs the channels on the hotel's TV, bored. She taps at her phone and goes to the hotel window, seeing a cooing pigeon. Against her father's directive, she heads outside, she heads outside, taking in the music of sidewalk performers. As she passes a hot dog stand, she is accosted by a guy who tells her that she's somebody who looks like she could use a nice watch. He tells her it's her lucky day, that he has a liquidation sale: genuine Rolexes for $40. She questions this price, asking if they're stolen. She asks what kind of metal it is and he tells her it's stainless steel. She says it doesn't feel like it and he tells her he gets them from France. She replies that she likes hers from Switzerland. He asks if she wants it or not, offering $20. She asks why she would spend $20 on an obvious fake. He tells her they're done and she offers $7. She gets the watch and continues her journey into what seems to be a very seedy area of town.

Sandy Stanton enters Sweety's bar. He asks if she's okay and she tells him it's been a day. He suggests a drink, but she tells him she just has to pee, but could do with a dime. She goes to the same messy restroom where Clement retrieved the gun from and starts searching around. Looking up, she observes the ceiling tiles. She climbs atop the toilet and opens the panel, stashing the gun up above and closing it back up. She leaves, giving Sweety a payment and taking the marijuana. Raylan and Wendell observe her returning to her car.

Raylan pays a visit to Carolyn Wilder. Within her office is also a reclining Clement Mansell. She suggests Raylan have a seat. "Here I thought you wanted to thank me for the drink," quips Raylan. He comments to Clement that he saw his picture today in a case file. Clement asks him who he's supposed to be in the hat and he replies that if he'd just wanted to see the hat, he could have walked out of Del Weems' back bedroom. Carolyn asks if he has reason to suspect her client is involved in the murder of Judge Guy. "And Rose Doyle, yes," agrees Raylan. He says he has witnesses, but Clement says that he doesn't have any witnesses. Carolyn tells him to not say another word unless she asks him a question. Raylan asks if he can ask Clement a question and Carolyn asks what it is. He asks if Clement was driving around in a Range Rover the night before. Carolyn replies that he won't answer, but Clement tells him to go on, that he wants to hear how he's going to lay the judge on him. He says that there's only two types of lawmen out on the street chasing bad guys at his age: ones passed over for the big chair and those who love it so much they'll have to be dragged off. "Only question is whether they'll be breathing when it happens." Carolyn steps forward telling Raylan she wants to be real clear, that unless he really has something on his client and is going to arrest him, he has to walk away. Raylan's phone buzzes and he asks if she minds him taking out, walking out of the room. As he does, she warns Clement again to be quiet when she tells him to. Raylan takes the call, which is clearly from Willa. He realizes quickly she is not at the hotel. He observes Clement whispering something to Carolyn and her telling him to get out of her office. He tells Willa he'll call her right back. As Clement leaves, nodding to Raylan, he goes to Carolyn, asking if she's good. "He's a beauty," she replies. "He kills people," he tells her, and she says they both know each other's jobs. He asks if she's okay and she says she thinks he means well. "But it ain't none of our business," he finishes.

Outside, Willa continues her wanderings, entering what appears to be some sort of warehouse. She gets a call from Raylan, who says that he thought they had an agreement about staying at the hotel. He just where she is and she claims it's "near the hotel." He tells her to get back to the hotel and be there when he returns, or he's going to put a BOLO on her. She replies that she can't tell whether he's joking or not. "Okay. Fine," she agrees. Wendell asks Raylan if everything is alright. He says he needs to get back to the hotel, but they should go talk to the girl first. In the warehouse, Willa picks up a piece of glass and considers it.

Raylan and Wendell arrive at the casino where Sandy works. Inside, Sandy's supervisor is berating her for arriving late. He tells her it's the final warning. She curses, seeing Raylan and Wendell. She tells them she already told them everything she knew. She says she hasn't heard anything from Del. Raylan asks her what she was doing down by the bridge. She asks if they have to do this there and Raylan tells her it's there or the station. She asks if she can drop her drinks off first. Raylan nods and she heads off, Wendell commenting that she's her own worst enemy. Raylan, however, replies that he sees potential. Wendell goes to the bar, leaving Raylan to talk with her. He asks her if Clement Mansell sent her to the bridge. She claims he didn't send her anywhere and he asks about Sweety's. She says that she only goes to Sweety's for weed, asking where Wendell is and saying that she likes him better. He tells her that a judge was shot to death in his car and that the same guy took his companion to a golf course and put a bullet in her head. She tells him she needs to get back to work. "You went to Sweety's for weed, huh?" She says it helps her relax when she's stressed and he tells her the way things are going, she should get her hands on the good stuff. He returns to Wendell. "Still seeing potential?" he quips. Sandy puts in a call to Clement, telling him about her conversation.

As they get back in their car, Wendell asks Raylan if he wants him to drop him off back at the hotel. Raylan tells him he has no doubt that Clement put the gun in Sandy's hand, that she had it with her at the bridge. He says she must have had it with her at the bar. Wendell says he was just thinking it was time he bought him a drink. At the hotel, Clement Mansell walks up to reception, telling the receptionist he is looking for his friend Raylan Givens's room. Willa enters the hotel and returns to the room. Not long after she enters, there is a call on the hotel phone. "Who's calling?" she asks and then comments "So instead of Dad, I get stuck with you?" "Yes, ma'am, that's right. You get stuck with me," agrees Clement.

Raylan and Wendell arrive at Sweety's bar. They tell a man carrying a large keg that they're looking for Sweety. "Marcus!" the man shouts and, seeing them, he tells the man to head home. When he hesitates, he tells him he'll be fine. Wendell tells Raylan that Sweety was once a monster bass player, that he was once on his way to play in George Clinton session, but got popped with a few Zs. Sweety asks if he can help them with something, or if he's just a stop on the out-of-towner tour. "Sandy Stanton," Raylan replies, saying that she hangs with Clement Mansell, a card-carrying member of the Wrecking Crew. Sweety replies that the Wrecking Crew is ancient history. Raylan tells him that Clement isn't, that he's back in town. Wendell comments that Sweety may or not know about the murder of the judge and his assistant and Raylan continues that Sandy stopped by a bridge, then jumped in her car and came straight there. Sweety asks if they think she was there to toss a gun, saying that if they're looking for a gun, that's easy. He opens some drawers, showing them three of them. He says that unless they're looking for a registered firearm, there's somebody he has to call.

So it is they are all sitting together when Carolyn Wilder arrives there. She tells Wendell that he should know better than to come in there and harass her client without calling her first. Wendell tells her they were just talking. "They're looking for a gun," Sweety tells her and Carolyn asks if they have a warrant. Raylan asks her if she's following him. "You go get a search warrant and have a good night," she tells him. They leave. Wendell tells Raylan he can get a warrant, but Raylan tells him that the gun will be gone by the time he does. Inside, Carolyn asks Sweety if there's something she needs to know. He tells her that Clement is back in town and she replies that she already knows, that he came to see her. She continues that he made it clear that she still represents him if she wants to keep Sweety out of trouble. She asks what he knows about that. "Apophis," he replies, saying that this was the serpent god of Chaos and that when the sun god Ra sailed the skies, he was attacked by Apophis. Apophis wanted to kill him to prevent the light. "Every time Mansell shows up, bad shit is in the air," he tells her. She replies that as far as she knows, the sun still rises and sets.

Raylan calls Willa's cell, but gets no answer. Wendell asks if there's a problem and he tells her that Willa won't listen. Wendell says it isn't unusual, that kids think they know everything. Raylan returns to the hotel room, finding a note. He heads downstairs, where Willa is sitting in the hotel's restaurant, across from Clement Mansell. Clement gets up and sits next to Willa, telling Raylan that they were about to call the cavalry to make sure he was okay. He says he missed dinner, that they had chicken fingers, fries and a milkshake. He says he can't believe that Raylan didn't tell her about his old friend Clement after the time they spent at Glynco. "They used to call you 'Chicken Fat'?" asks Willa, bemused. Grinning wearily, Raylan asks Willa to go upstairs. She asks if they can't have dessert, saying she would love to hear more stuff about Raylan. "She's a hell of a negotiator. Even better than her old man," comments Clement. Raylan pleads with Willa for the first time in her life to just say "Yes, Dad."

Clement puts his arm around Willa, saying that she's very sweet. He tells Raylan he's tough to track down, that it took three tries to find the right hotel. "Stand up," Raylan tells Clement. Clement asks if he'll shoot an unarmed man. He tells him he did some digging, that there was an interesting story about him and a man on a rooftop in Miami. Raylan grabs Clement, telling Willa to go to the room. He drags Clement outside, bumping him up against the door in the process. He tosses him up against a cab. Clement comments that Willa is a little young for his taste, but if it were Kentucky, he'd be tapping her. Raylan decks him repeatedly in the face. He tells him that he if ever sees him near his daughter again, he'll kill him. "Not if I see you first!" shouts Clement, wandering off. Raylan turns and stares at a sniffling Willa, who has not gone back to their room.


  • Clement Mansell claims to have met Raylan in Glynco. Raylan did, in fact, once serve as a firearms instructor at the U.S. Marshals' training center in Glynco. He also mentions an "interesting story about you and a man on a rooftop in Miami," a reference to the opening events of "Fire in the Hole."



Starring cast



Special guest star

  • Paul Calderon as Raymond Cruz

Guest stars


  • Taryn Asher Carr as News Anchor
  • Jaegen Ellison as Clay
  • Jared David Michael Grant as Deuce
  • Michael Hargrove as Jackson Lee
  • Brandon Hudson as News Anchor
  • Eddie Martinez as Hector
  • Justin Mobley as Street Vendor
  • Keenan Odenkirk as Waiter
  • Jordan Stafford as Otis


